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Legal Frameworks and Strategies for a Harassment-Free Workplace

Respect and Protect: Navigating Workplace Sexual Harassment Law.

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Self Paced
3 Months



The Respect and Protect: Navigating Workplace Sexual Harassment Law program is tailored for HR professionals, managers, and legal experts, providing essential knowledge to identify, address, and prevent workplace sexual harassment. The course covers legal obligations, procedural compliance, and the management of internal complaints committees. Through comprehensive modules, participants learn about various forms of sexual harassment, applicable laws, and the roles of workplace entities in ensuring a safe and respectful work environment, emphasizing legal and ethical practices in daily interactions.


The aim of this program is to provide a detailed understanding of the legal frameworks and organizational responsibilities surrounding workplace sexual harassment. It focuses on educating participants about identifying, addressing, and preventing sexual harassment, ensuring a safe and respectful work environment. The course covers legal obligations, procedural compliance, and the role of workplace committees in handling allegations, emphasizing the importance of legal and ethical practices in workplace interactions.

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Program Objectives

  • Equip participants with knowledge of laws related to workplace sexual harassment.
  • Develop skills for preventing, detecting, and responding to harassment.
  • Train in the setup and effective operation of internal complaints committees.
  • Foster a comprehensive understanding of employer duties and employee rights.
  • Encourage ethical behavior and respect in professional settings.

Program Structure

Module 1: Understanding Workplace Sexual Harassment

  • Section 1: Introduction to Sexual Harassment
    • Overview and Definitions of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
    • The Legal Framework and State Laws Concerning Sexual Harassment
  • Section 2: Forms of Sexual Harassment
    • Identifying Different Types of Sexual Harassment
    • Understanding the Impact on Victims and the Workplace

Module 2: Legal Obligations and Employer Responsibilities

  • Section 1: Preventive Measures by Employers
    • Strategies for Prevention and Prohibition of Sexual Harassment
    • Legal Duties of Employers in Preventing Workplace Harassment
  • Section 2: Internal and Local Complaints Committees
    • Structure and Function of Complaints Committees
    • Training and Recommended Behavior for Committee Members

Module 3: Handling Complaints and Legal Proceedings

  • Section 1: Complaint Procedures and Investigations
    • Steps for Making a Complaint and the Subsequent Procedures
    • Investigation Techniques and Committee Responsibilities
  • Section 2: Inquiry Process and Outcomes
    • Conducting the Inquiry: Methods, Cross-Examination, and Decision Making
    • Submitting Inquiry Reports and Actions Post-Verdict

Module 4: Compliance, Reporting, and Enforcement

  • Section 1: Review and Reporting
    • Preparation and Submission of Annual Reports by Committees
    • Review and Appeals Process for Committee Decisions
  • Section 2: Legal Consequences and Safeguards
    • Penalties and Fines for Non-Compliance by Employers
    • Safeguarding Against Retaliation and Ensuring Fair Treatment

Module 5: Practical Training and Real-World Application

  • Section 1: Case Studies and Role-Playing
    • Interactive Case Studies Demonstrating Successful Resolution of Complaints
    • Role-Playing Exercises to Practice Handling Sensitive Situations
  • Section 2: Building a Respectful Workplace Culture
    • Strategies for Cultivating an Ethical and Inclusive Work Environment
    • Expert Talks on the Importance of Compliance and Ethical Workplace Practices

Final Project and Examination

  • Capstone Project: Practical project involving role-playing and scenario-based strategies to apply principles learned about preventing and responding to workplace sexual harassment.
  • Final Examination: Comprehensive assessment to evaluate understanding and application of workplace sexual harassment laws and practices.

Participant’s Eligibility

  • HR professionals and workplace compliance officers.
  • Managers and team leaders across all industries.
  • Legal professionals specializing in employment law.
  • Employees seeking to understand their rights and responsibilities.
  • Employers and business owners.
  • Members of internal complaints committees.
  • Workplace safety and employee relations specialists.
  • Organizational behavior and human resource development students.

Program Outcomes

  • Deep understanding of sexual harassment laws and organizational practices.
  • Skills to implement and oversee harassment prevention measures.
  • Ability to conduct fair and thorough investigations.
  • Competence in advising on legal implications and rights in harassment cases.
  • Enhanced ability to create a safe, inclusive, and respectful workplace culture.

Fee Structure

Standard Fee: INR 4,998        USD 198

Discounted Fee: INR 2499        USD 99   




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Program Assessment

Certification to this program will be based on the evaluation of following assignment (s)/ examinations:

Exam Weightage
Mid Term Assignments 20 %
Final Online Exam 30 %
Project Report Submission (Includes Mandatory Paper Publication) 50 %

To study the printed/online course material, submit and clear, the mid term assignments, project work/research study (in completion of project work/research study, a final report must be submitted) and the online examination, you are allotted a 1-month period. You will be awarded a certificate, only after successful completion/ and clearance of all the aforesaid assignment(s) and examinations.

Program Deliverables

  • Access to e-LMS
  • Real Time Project for Dissertation
  • Project Guidance
  • Paper Publication Opportunity
  • Self Assessment
  • Final Examination
  • e-Certification
  • e-Marksheet

Future Career Prospects

  • HR Compliance Officer
  • Workplace Safety Consultant
  • Employment Law Attorney
  • Internal Complaints Committee Member
  • Corporate Trainer specializing in harassment prevention
  • HR Policy Developer
  • Employee Relations Manager
  • Legal Advisor for Corporate HR departments

Job Opportunities

  • HR Compliance Officer
  • Diversity and Inclusion Officer
  • Organizational Development Consultant
  • Compliance Analyst
  • Legal Compliance Trainer

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