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Campus Shield: Proactive Strategies for Harassment Prevention and Safety

Active Prevention in Harassment” details collaborative strategies for students and committees to enhance campus safety and prevent harassment.

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The “Active Prevention in Harassment: Student and Committee Strategies for a Safer Campus” program equips students and committee members with skills to prevent harassment through proactive strategies and community support. It includes interactive workshops, case studies, and role-playing exercises, emphasizing collaboration to develop effective policies. Attendees will be prepared to promote a respectful and safe campus environment.


The aim of “Active Prevention in Harassment: Student and Committee Strategies for a Safer Campus” is to equip students and campus committees with effective strategies and tools to proactively prevent harassment, ensuring a safe and respectful educational environment for all.

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Program Objectives

  • Skill Development in Conflict Resolution: Train students and staff in advanced conflict resolution techniques, enhancing their ability to manage and resolve disputes before they escalate into harassment.
  • Digital Literacy and Online Behavior: Educate the campus community on the responsible use of social media and digital communication tools to prevent cyber harassment and promote positive online interactions.
  • Data Analysis Skills: Implement training programs that teach how to use data analytics to monitor, analyze, and report on harassment incidents effectively, facilitating proactive interventions.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Develop expertise in understanding and applying legal frameworks and guidelines related to harassment in educational settings, ensuring all campus activities comply with national and local laws.
  • Preventive Programming: Equip staff and student leaders with the skills to design and execute preventive programs that actively engage the community in discussions and initiatives against harassment.
  • Behavioral Assessment Techniques: Train designated campus personnel in behavioral assessment to identify potential risks and intervene appropriately before issues escalate.

Program Structure

Module 1: Understanding Harassment on Campus

  • Section 1: Defining Sexual Harassment
    • Overview of What Constitutes Sexual Harassment in Educational Settings
    • Legal Definitions and Examples
  • Section 2: Recognizing Harassment
    • Identifying Different Forms of Harassment
    • Understanding the Subtle Signs and Impacts on Individuals and Campus Life

Module 2: Legal Framework and Institutional Policies

  • Section 1: Laws and Regulations
    • Key Laws Governing Sexual Harassment in Educational Institutes
    • Federal and State Regulations: Title IX and Beyond
  • Section 2: Campus Policies and Procedures
    • Institutional Policies Against Harassment
    • Procedures for Reporting and Handling Incidents

Module 3: Prevention and Empowerment Strategies

  • Section 1: Proactive Measures
    • Role of Education in Preventing Harassment
    • Tools and Resources Available for Students and Staff
  • Section 2: Empowerment Through Awareness
    • Workshops, Seminars, and Campaigns
    • Student-Led Initiatives to Promote a Safe Campus Environment

Module 4: Reporting and Responding to Incidents

  • Section 1: Effective Reporting Mechanisms
    • How to Report Harassment
    • Support Systems for Reporting: Confidentiality and Anonymity
  • Section 2: Response Protocols
    • Immediate and Long-Term Responses to Harassment Reports
    • Role of the Administration and Peer Support in Handling Reports

Module 5: Role of Internal Complaints Committees

  • Section 1: Composition and Function
    • Structure and Function of Internal Complaints Committees
    • Legal Obligations and Ethical Responsibilities of Committee Members
  • Section 2: Training and Conduct
    • Training Programs for Committee Members
    • Best Practices for Conducting Investigations and Ensuring Fair Treatment

Module 6: Building a Supportive Community

  • Section 1: Cultivating Inclusivity and Respect
    • Strategies for Creating an Inclusive Campus Culture
    • Role of Student Organizations in Promoting Respect and Dignity
  • Section 2: Long-Term Initiatives
    • Ongoing Educational Campaigns and Monitoring
    • Engagement of Alumni and External Experts for Continuous Improvement

Module 7: Campus Watch: Committee-Led Safety Strategies
    Section 1: Committee Formations and Functions

  • Steering Committee: Strategy, member selection, and regular progress reviews.
  • Awareness and Education Committee: Development and implementation of harassment prevention campaigns, workshops, and collaborations.
  • Reporting and Support Committee: Establishment of confidential reporting channels, training for sensitive handling, and victim support systems.
  • Investigation Committee: Standardization of investigation protocols, maintenance of confidentiality, and timely updates.
  • Policy Review Committee: Regular policy reviews and amendments, alignment with legal standards, and community engagement.

Section 2:Operational Strategy and Community Engagement

  • Implementation Strategy: Setting objectives and timelines, maintaining communication, evaluating progress, and strategy adjustments.
  • Outreach and Community Engagement Committee: Promotion of a harassment-free culture through partnerships, community service, and media engagement.

Section 3:Assessment and Future Directions

  • Annual Assessment: Detailed reviews to refine goals, ensure relevance, and meet community needs effectively.
  • Conclusion: Summarizing impacts and exploring future directions for enhancing campus safety initiatives.


Final Project and Assessment

  • Capstone Project:
    • Planning and Implementing a Student-Led Initiative to Reduce Harassment on Campus
  • Final Examination:
    • Comprehensive Evaluation to Assess Knowledge and Application of Course Concepts in Real-World Scenarios

Participant’s Eligibility

  • Undergraduate Students: All undergraduate students enrolled in any department or faculty, interested in contributing to a safer campus environment.
  • Graduate and Postgraduate Students: Masters and PhD students who may also have roles as teaching assistants, mentors, or leaders within their academic communities.
  • First-Year Students: Particularly encouraged to join as part of orientation activities to instill a culture of respect and safety from the beginning of their academic careers.
  • Student Leaders and Representatives: Including members of student government, club officers, and leaders of various student organizations who can influence peer behaviors and promote the program’s objectives.
  • International Students: To ensure diverse perspectives are included and to address specific challenges they might face in understanding and navigating harassment prevention in a new cultural setting.
  • Students in Resident Advisor Roles: Those who have direct responsibility for the welfare of other students in residential settings.

Program Outcomes

  • Harassment Identification: Effectively recognize signs of various forms of harassment.
  • Digital Safety: Manage and secure online interactions to prevent cyber harassment.
  • Conflict Resolution: Apply de-escalation techniques in potential harassment situations.
  • Data Utilization: Use analytics tools to report and analyze harassment incidents accurately.
  • Legal Knowledge: Understand and apply relevant harassment laws and campus policies.
  • Program Development: Create and implement educational campaigns for harassment prevention.
  • Bystander Intervention: Employ safe and effective intervention strategies.
  • Crisis Management: Respond appropriately to harassment incidents with suitable actions.
  • Effective Communication: Communicate about harassment issues clearly and sensitively.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Enhance understanding and respect for diverse backgrounds to foster inclusivity.

Fee Structure

Standard Fees: INR 4,998        USD 198

Discounted Fee: INR 2499        USD 99   




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Program Assessment

Certification to this program will be based on the evaluation of following assignment (s)/ examinations:

Exam Weightage
Mid Term Assignments 20 %
Final Online Exam 30 %
Project Report Submission (Includes Mandatory Paper Publication) 50 %

To study the printed/online course material, submit and clear, the mid term assignments, project work/research study (in completion of project work/research study, a final report must be submitted) and the online examination, you are allotted a 1-month period. You will be awarded a certificate, only after successful completion/ and clearance of all the aforesaid assignment(s) and examinations.

Program Deliverables

  • Access to e-LMS
  • Real Time Project for Dissertation
  • Project Guidance
  • Paper Publication Opportunity
  • Self Assessment
  • Final Examination
  • e-Certification
  • e-Marksheet

Future Career Prospects

  • Campus Safety Coordinator: Manages safety programs at educational institutions, focusing on harassment prevention and policy implementation.
  • Corporate Ethics and Compliance Officer: Ensures compliance with laws and internal policies related to workplace behavior and harassment.
  • Public Policy Maker: Develops and advocates for policies that prevent harassment in public and private sectors.
  • Human Resources Specialist: Handles harassment claims, conducts prevention training, and develops workplace safety policies.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Director: Leads initiatives to create an inclusive organizational culture free from harassment.
  • Legal Consultant on Harassment Prevention: Advises organizations on compliance with harassment laws and conducts related training.
  • Educational Consultant: Assists schools and universities in developing effective harassment prevention programs.
  • Crisis Intervention Specialist: Provides expert guidance on handling and recovering from harassment incidents.
  • Training and Development Manager: Designs and delivers educational programs focusing on harassment prevention and workplace ethics.
  • Advocacy and Outreach Coordinator: Engages with communities to promote awareness and preventive measures against harassment.

Job Opportunities

  • Compliance Officer: Ensures that organizations comply with internal policies and legal regulations, particularly in educational and corporate environments.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Specialist: Works to create and implement strategies that cultivate an inclusive workplace or educational environment, focusing on preventing harassment and discrimination.
  • HR Specialist in Employee Relations: Manages employee relations matters, including conducting investigations into complaints and developing workplace policies.
  • Data Analyst for HR or Compliance Departments: Uses data analytics to monitor, analyze, and report on workplace or campus incidents, helping to inform policy changes and training needs.
  • Title IX Coordinator: Specifically in educational settings, manages compliance with Title IX regulations, which include handling cases of sexual harassment and violence.
  • Crisis Management Specialist: Works within organizations to prepare for, respond to, and recover from crisis incidents, including those related to harassment.
  • Educational Program Developer: Designs and implements training programs focused on harassment prevention, bystander intervention, and related topics.
  • Corporate Trainer: Specializes in delivering training sessions to staff on topics such as harassment prevention, workplace safety, and compliance with legal standards.
  • Policy Advisor: Develops, advises on, and implements policies related to harassment prevention for various organizations, ensuring they are up-to-date with the latest legislation and best practices.
  • Social Media Manager for Advocacy Groups: Manages online campaigns for organizations focused on preventing harassment and promoting safe environments, using digital platforms to raise awareness and educate the public.

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