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Name: Dr. Gargi Dutta

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +918762980919

Country: India

Dr. Gargi Dutta
Phone: +918762980919; Email: [email protected]
Thesis Title: “Cobaloximes with Thiodioxime and Mixed Dioxime as Equatorial Ligands: Synthesis, Structure-Property
Relationship and Co-C Bond Reactivity” (2007-2012)
Thesis Supervisor : Prof. B. D. Gupta and Dr. G. Anantharaman
Institute: IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, UP
Academic Background (Reverse Chronological Order):
Ph.D: Organometallic Chemistry, IIT Kanpur 2007-2012
M.Sc: Chemistry, IIT Kharagpur 2004-2006
B.Sc: Chemistry as major and Physics and Mathematics as subsidiary, Midnapore College 2001-2004
(Vidyasagar University)
Post-PhD Research Experience (Reverse Chronological Order):
Assistant Professor (Senior Grade), Northcap University Jul, 2022-Jan, 2024
Courses Taught :Engineering Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry-II , Physical Spectroscopy and Photochemistry, Green
Chemistry and Technology, Environmental Studies
Research Supervision : No of Ph.D students : 1
Research Manager, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd Nov, 2019-Dec, 2020
Development of analytical methods for API; preparation of method development report and method transfer document;
Providing analytical support to chemical research department (CRD) by analysing routine API samples for all chemical
analysis like KF titration, coulometer titration, UV-Visible spectrophotometric analysis, melting point, specific optical
rotation, potentiometric titrations, reaction monitoring and other wet analysis
Young Professional: Bureau of Indian Standard Aug, 2018-Oct, 2019
Quality Control, Recognition of lab as per BIS Lab Recognition Scheme, Formulation of Standards, Revision of Standard at
Laboratory Policy & Planning Department (LPPD), has completed successfully ISO 9001:2015; Lead Auditor Quality
Management Systems training course.
DST Young Scientist: IISc, Bangalore December, 2015-Aug, 2018
Main PI of DST-SERB Sponsored Project: “Corrole Based Metal-Organic Framework: Synthesis and Application”
DS Kothari Postdoctoral Fellow: IISc, Bangalore January, 2015-November, 2015
Advisor: Prof. S. Natarajan
Area of Research: Synthesis, Structure and Heterogeneous Catalytic Activity of Porphyrin-based Metal-Organic
Framework Material
Research Associate: IISc, Bangalore November, 2013-December, 2014
Advisor: Prof. S. Natarajan
Area of Research: Synthesis, Structure and Properties of New Functional Metal-Organic Framework Material
Postdoctoral Research: Technion, Israel Institute of Technology April, 2012-June, 2013
Area of Research: (i) Manganese Complexes: Expected and Unexpected Transformations of tris(4-nitrophenyl)corrole and
(ii) Axial Ligand Effect on Catalytic Oxidation of Cyclohexene and Styrene using Manganese(V)Oxo Corrole
Teaching Experience:
Assistant Professor (senior grade), The Northrop University : Engineering Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry-II,
Environmental Studies, Green Chemistry and Technology, Physical Spectroscopy & Photochemistry July, 2022-Till date
Teaching Assistant, IIT Kanpur: General Inorganic Chemistry Course July, 2009-December, 2009
Teaching Assistant, IIT Kanpur: M.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course Jan, 2010-April, 2010
List of Publications:
1. G. Dutta, A. K. Jana, D. K. Singh, M. Eswaramoorthy, S. Natarajan; “Encapsulation of Ag-Nanoparticle in an Amine
Functionalized Porphyrin MOF and its Use as a Heterogeneous Catalyst for CO2 Fixation under Atmospheric Pressure”;
Chem. Asian J. 2018, 13, 2677-2684; Impact Factor: 4.568
2. G. Dutta, A. K. Jana, S. Natarajan; “Chemical Fixation of CO2 and Other Heterogeneous Catalytic Studies Employing a
Layered Cu-Porphyrin Prepared Through Single-Crystal to Single-Crystal Exchange of a Zn-analogue”; Chem. Asian J.
2018, 13, 66-72; Impact Factor: 4.568
3. G. Dutta, A. K. Jana, S. Natarajan; “Assembling Porphyrins into Extended Network Structures Employing Aromatic
Dicarboxylates: Synthesis, Metal-exchange and Heterogeneous Catalytic Studies”; Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 8932-8940;
Impact Factor: 5.02
4. P. Singh, G. Dutta, I. Goldberg, A. Mahammed, Z. Gross; “Manganese Complexes: Expected and Unexpected
Transformations of tris(4-nitrophenyl)corrole” Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 9349-9355; Impact Factor: 5.436
5. G. Dutta*, D. Mandal, B. D. Gupta; Pyrazine Bridged Dicobaloximes with Bis(thiophenyl)glyoxime and their Molecular
Oxygen Insertion”; J. Organomet. Chem. 2012, 706-707, 30-36; Impact Factor: 2.345
6. G. Dutta, B. D. Gupta; “Cobaloximes with Mixed Dioximes Having C and S Side Chains: Synthesis, Structure and
Reactivity”; J. Organomet. Chem. 2011, 696, 2693-2701; Impact Factor: 2.345
7. G. Dutta, B. D. Gupta; “Benzyl Cobaloximes with Thiodioximes: Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity”;
J. Organomet. Chem. 2011, 696, 892-896; Impact Factor: 2.345
8. G. Dutta, K. Kumar, B. D. Gupta; “Cobaloximes with Bis(thiophenyl)glyoxime: Synthesis and Structure-Property
Relationship Study”; Organometallics 2009, 28, 3485-3491; Impact Factor : 4.051
9. G. Dutta, M. Laskar, B. D. Gupta; “Molecular Oxygen Insertion in Benzyl Cobaloximes with Mixed Dioximes”;
Organometallics 2008, 27, 3338-3345; Impact Factor : 4.051
Research Skills:
(i) Experienced in synthesizing metal-organic framework material, organometallic compound, nanomaterial, organic ligand,
single crystal in bulk amount; homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis; product screening, purification by different
chromatographic techniques.
(ii) Experienced in analysing routine API samples for all chemical analysis like KF titration, coulometer titration, UV-Visible
spectrophotometric analysis, melting point, specific optical rotation, potentiometric titrations, reaction monitoring and other
wet analysis.
(iii) Experienced in writing project proposals, reports and technical documents on research results/method development.
(iv) Proven track record of writing scientific reports, publications and research grants with proof-reading and editing
(v) Advanced level working knowledge of scientific terminology and pharmaceutical research concepts with an
understanding of Open access, copyright, licenses, patents and publication ethics
Instruments Handled:
Single Crystal/Powder X-ray diffractometers, UV-visible, IR, NMR Spectrometer, Photoluminescence Spectrophotometer,
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimeter
(DSC), Gas porosimeter, Gas Chromatography (GC), Cyclic Volammetry (CV), Mass Spectrometry (MS), Karl-Fischer
titrator, Potentiometric titrator, Polarimeter.
Experienced in analyzing the results of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy
(TEM) of solid materials.
Software Knowledge:
Microsoft Office and PowerPoint, WINGx, Diamond, Mercury, Ortep, Origin, Adobe Photoshop, ChemDraw, ImageJ, ACD
Labs NMR processor, Tiamo for KF titration and potentiometric titartion
Grants, Fellowships and Awards:
DST Young Scientist: “Corrole Based Metal-Organic Framework: Synthesis and Application” December, 2015-August,
2018; (Grant received :32 lakhs)
DS Kothari Postdoctoral Fellowship: January, 2015-January, 2018
National Eligibility Test (CSIR-NET): Chemical Sciences, 2007
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE): Chemical Science, 2006
Higher Secondary Level National Scholarship: 2001
1. Prof. S. Natarajan 2. Dr. G. Anantharaman
SSCU, IISC Bangalore Department of Chemistry
Bangalore 560012 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Karnataka, India Kanpur – 208 016, U. P, India
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

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