Virtual Workshop

Web Development Essentials with AI Integration

“Transforming Visions into Virtual Reality: Master Web Development Essentials with Seamless AI Integration.”

“Transforming Visions into Virtual Reality: Master Web Development Essentials with Seamless AI Integration.”

  • Mode : Mode(Online)
  • Type: Mentor Based
  • Level: Moderate
  • Duration: 105 Hours/day
  • Timings: Indian Standard Timings 03:30 PM

About Workshop

Dive into the future of tech with our workshop, “Web Development Essentials with AI Integration.” Uncover the basics of web development while exploring the seamless integration of artificial intelligence. Led by industry experts, this hands-on experience ensures you grasp essential coding skills and understand the transformative power of AI in web development. Join us for a concise yet comprehensive exploration of the dynamic synergy between traditional web development principles and cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies. Elevate your skills and stay ahead in the evolving tech landscape.

Aim: Web Development Essentials with AI Integration,” aims to provide participants with a well-rounded understanding of fundamental web development principles and the practical integration of artificial intelligence. Through hands-on learning, we seek to empower attendees with the skills needed to navigate the evolving field of web development, emphasizing the synergy between traditional techniques and cutting-edge AI technologies for success in the modern tech industry.

Workshop Objectives:

  • Master Foundational Web Development Skills: Equip participants with essential skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for proficient front-end development.
  • Integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques: Explore the seamless integration of AI tools and frameworks to enhance web development projects.
  • Hands-On Experience with JavaScript Frameworks: Provide practical exposure to popular JavaScript frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue.js for building dynamic web applications.
  • Efficient Database Management: Teach effective database management skills, including working with systems like MySQL, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL.
  • Version Control Proficiency: Familiarize participants with Git for version control, enabling collaborative and organized coding practices.
  • Responsive Design Implementation: Instruct on creating responsive and mobile-friendly web applications to ensure optimal user experience across devices.
  • AI-Powered Chatbot Development: Guide participants in building AI-driven chatbots, enhancing user engagement and interaction on websites.
  • Enhanced Cybersecurity Awareness: Introduce basic cybersecurity principles to instill secure development practices and protect web applications from potential threats.
  • Practical API Integration: Enable participants to work with APIs, facilitating the seamless integration of third-party services and data into web applications.
  • Foster a Mindset of Continuous Learning: Encourage a proactive approach to staying updated on the latest web development and AI integration trends, fostering a culture of continuous learning among participants.

What you will learn?

Day 1: Introduction to HTML 


  • Understanding the basics of HTML.
  • Structuring a web page with HTML elements.
  • Creating forms and handling user input.
  • Incorporating semantic HTML for better accessibility.

Hands-on Activities:

  • Building a simple webpage structure.
  • Creating a form with various input elements.
  • Discussing and implementing best practices for semantic HTML.

AI Integration:

  • Introduction to AI tools for code suggestion and completion.
  • Demonstrating how AI can assist in HTML coding.

Day 2: Styling with CSS 


  • Basics of CSS for styling HTML elements.
  • Selectors, properties, and values in CSS.
  • Understanding layout and positioning.
  • Responsive design principles.

Hands-on Activities:

  • Styling the previously created HTML page.
  • Exploring different CSS selectors and properties.
  • Implementing responsive design principles.

AI Integration:

  • Introducing AI tools for generating CSS styles.
  • Utilizing AI to enhance responsiveness in design.

Day 3: Interactivity with JavaScript and AI Tools 


  • Introduction to JavaScript and its role in web development.
  • Handling events and user interactions.
  • Integrating third-party JavaScript libraries.
  • Incorporating AI tools for enhanced functionality.

Hands-on Activities:

  • Adding interactivity to the existing webpage using JavaScript.
  • Exploring basic event handling and DOM manipulation.
  • Integrating a third-party JavaScript library.

AI Integration:

  • Introducing AI tools for generating JavaScript code.

Mentor Profile

Mr. DEBASHIS BASU, the IT Professional Mentor. With over 32 years of dedicated service in the IT industry, He brings a wealth of expertise to the forefront as a seasoned professional. His extensive background in Database Development and Support, complemented by his proficiency in programming languages such as C, C++, JavaScript, and Robotic Process Automation (RPA), positions him as a versatile and knowledgeable mentor.His commitment lies in sharing invaluable insights with the next generation of IT enthusiasts, offering guidance that spans multiple programming languages and cutting-edge RPA technologies.

Fee Plan


INR 999/- OR USD 50

Ph.D. Scholar / Researcher

INR 1199/- OR USD 55

Academician / Faculty

INR 1499/- OR USD 60

Industry Professional

INR 2199/- OR USD 85

Important Dates

Registration Ends

19 Mar 2024 Indian Standard Timing 11:00 AM

Workshop Dates

19 Mar 2024 to 21 Mar 2024 Indian Standard Timing 12:00 PM

Get an e-Certificate of Participation!

Intended For : Graduates, Post Graduates, Research Scholars, Academicians, Industry Professionals of computer science, information technology, engineering, data science, and related domains.

Career Supporting Skills

Full-Stack Development

AI Integration

JavaScript Frameworks

API Integration

Database Management

Full-Stack Development

AI Integration

JavaScript Frameworks

API Integration

Database Management

Workshop Outcomes

  • Proficient Front-End Development: Participants will gain proficiency in essential front-end development skills, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Effective Back-End Development: Acquire skills in back-end development using frameworks like Node.js, Django, or Flask.
  • Seamless AI Integration: Understand how to seamlessly integrate artificial intelligence tools and frameworks into web development projects.
  • Dynamic User Interfaces with JavaScript Frameworks: Gain hands-on experience in building dynamic and interactive user interfaces using popular JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.
  • Database Management Competency: Develop competency in database management, including working with systems like MySQL, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL.
  • Collaborative Code Management: Learn efficient and collaborative code management using version control systems like Git.
  • Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design: Implement responsive design principles to create web applications that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices.
  • AI-Enhanced User Interaction: Build AI-powered chatbots to enhance user interaction and engagement on websites.
  • Cybersecurity Awareness and Best Practices: Acquire basic cybersecurity knowledge and best practices to ensure secure web development.
  • Practical API Integration Skills: Develop practical skills in working with APIs for seamless integration of third-party services and data into web applications.

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