Self Paced

Digital Art Basics

Digital Art Basics introduces foundational skills for creating digital artwork using various software and tools.

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Self Paced
2 Months


This program covers the essentials of digital art, including the use of leading software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and tablet technologies. Participants will explore techniques such as layering, digital painting, and image manipulation, focusing on the transition from traditional to digital art forms.


The aim of Digital Art Basics is to provide participants with essential skills and knowledge in digital art, enabling them to effectively use popular art software and tools. The program focuses on developing technical proficiency, creative digital expression, and a strong foundation in digital drawing, painting, and image manipulation techniques.

Program Objectives

  • Learn the basics of digital drawing and painting techniques.
  • Master the use of digital art tools and software.
  • Develop skills in image editing and manipulation.

Program Structure

  • Week 1-2: Introduction to digital art tools and software
  • Week 3-4: Basic digital sketching and painting techniques
  • Week 5-6: Creating digital illustrations
  • Week 7-8: Developing a final digital project

Participant’s Eligibility

  • Students, PhD scholars, academicians, and industry professionals interested in entering the field of digital art.
  • Traditional artists looking to transition to digital mediums.
  • Hobbyists and creative individuals seeking to develop digital art skills.

Program Outcomes

  1. Software Proficiency: Mastery of key digital art software like Photoshop and Illustrator.
  2. Digital Drawing Techniques: Skills in using tablets and digital pens for drawing and painting.
  3. Image Manipulation: Ability to manipulate and enhance digital images effectively.
  4. Creative Expression: Enhanced creative capabilities using digital tools.
  5. Color Theory Application: Understanding of color theory in the digital context.
  6. Artistic Composition: Skills in digital composition and layout.
  7. Project Presentation: Proficiency in preparing digital artwork for presentation and publication.

Fee Structure

Standard fee: INR 4,998        USD 198

Discounted Fee: INR 2499       USD 99   
Offer Fee: INR 1,874        USD 74




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Skillzip Program Certificate

Program Assessment

Certification to this program will be based on the evaluation of following assignment (s)/ examinations:

Exam Weightage
Mid Term Assignments 20 %
Final Online Exam 30 %
Project Report Submission (Includes Mandatory Paper Publication) 50 %

To study the printed/online course material, submit and clear, the mid term assignments, project work/research study (in completion of project work/research study, a final report must be submitted) and the online examination, you are allotted a 1-month period. You will be awarded a certificate, only after successful completion/ and clearance of all the aforesaid assignment(s) and examinations.

Program Deliverables

  • Access to e-LMS
  • Real Time Project for Dissertation
  • Project Guidance
  • Paper Publication Opportunity
  • Self Assessment
  • Final Examination
  • e-Certification
  • e-Marksheet

Future Career Prospects

  • Career Advancement in Digital Arts: Opportunities to advance to senior creative roles in various industries, including gaming, film, and advertising.
  • Freelance Opportunities: Potential for a successful freelance career as a digital artist.
  • Educational Roles: Teaching positions in digital art at educational institutions.
  • Creative Direction: Roles in creative direction, overseeing art projects and guiding visual strategies.
  • Entrepreneurship: Starting a business in digital art services or product design.
  • Innovative Product Development: Contributing to innovative digital product design in tech-oriented companies.
  • Art Therapy: Using digital art as a medium for therapeutic practices.
  • Cultural and Public Art Projects: Participation in cultural initiatives and public art projects utilizing digital media.

Job Opportunities

  • Digital Artist
  • Graphic Designer
  • Concept Artist
  • UI/UX Designer
  • Multimedia Artist
  • Web Designer
  • Illustrator
  • Animation Artist

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